This page is provided to inform our members on updates in the legislation that affects the postal service, and on how we can help in the political forum to protect our careers and save our postal service.
Members Urged to Contact Their Congressional Representatives About the Postal Service Reform Act
The Postal Service Reform Act has been introduced into both houses of Congress as a measure to increase the long term health of the Postal Service. The two identical bills (H.R. 3076 and S. 1720) have been co-sponsored in a bi-partisan manner: in the House, H.R. 3076 was introduced by Democrat Carolyn Maloney and Republican James Comer, and S. 1720 was introduced by 20 co-sponsors - 10 Democrats and 10 Republicans. Take note of the number 10 in the Senate co-sponsorship - with 60 votes required to have a filibuster-proof majority, the 10 co-sponsors from each party indicates the number needed to pass with otherwise full support from either side of the aisle. This rare and visible showing of bi-partisanship is a strong indicator that the Act can make it through a normally contentious congress and into law. However, we should not simply assume the best, as the NALC and our friends in Congress have spent well over a decade trying to craft and pass meaningful Postal reform legislation. All carriers, friends, relatives, and interested parties are strongly encouraged to contact their representatives to support this important legislation.
Highlights of the Postal Service Reform Act are:
Highlights of the Postal Service Reform Act are:
- Repealing the mandate to pre-fund health benefits for future retirees
- Permanent provision for six day delivery (negating the need to renew this mandate on a yearly basis)
- Medicare participation for retirees aged 65 and over to the maximum extent practicable
- Measures to provide Congress and the public with transparency regarding performance
- Expands the authority and responsibilities of the Postal Regulatory Commission in several ways
Election Results are In
On November 3rd, 2020, elections were held on many levels of government. The following is an updated list of those who have been chosen to serve our branch members in their listed capacities:
National President-Elect Joe Biden
National Vice President – Elect Kamala Harris
US State Senator Robert Casey
US State Senator Patrick Toomey
House Representative (6th Dist) Chrissy Houlahan
House Representative (9th Dist) Daniel Meuser
House Representative (4th Dist) Madeleine Dean
House Representative (7th Dist) Susan Wild
House Representative (11th Dist) Lloyd Smucker
PA Senate Dist 11 Judy Schwenk
PA Senate Dist 29 David Argall
PA Senate Dist 44 Katie Muth
PA Senate Dist 24 Bob Mensch
PA House Dist 126 Mark Rozzi
PA House Dist 127 Thomas Caltagirone
PA House Dist 5 Barry Jozwiak
PA House Dist 187 Gary Day
PA House Dist 128 Mark Gillen
PA House Dist 129 Jim Cox
PA House Dist 134 Ryan Mackenzie
PA House Dist 124 Jerry Knowles
PA House Dist 130 David Maloney Sr
National President-Elect Joe Biden
National Vice President – Elect Kamala Harris
US State Senator Robert Casey
US State Senator Patrick Toomey
House Representative (6th Dist) Chrissy Houlahan
House Representative (9th Dist) Daniel Meuser
House Representative (4th Dist) Madeleine Dean
House Representative (7th Dist) Susan Wild
House Representative (11th Dist) Lloyd Smucker
PA Senate Dist 11 Judy Schwenk
PA Senate Dist 29 David Argall
PA Senate Dist 44 Katie Muth
PA Senate Dist 24 Bob Mensch
PA House Dist 126 Mark Rozzi
PA House Dist 127 Thomas Caltagirone
PA House Dist 5 Barry Jozwiak
PA House Dist 187 Gary Day
PA House Dist 128 Mark Gillen
PA House Dist 129 Jim Cox
PA House Dist 134 Ryan Mackenzie
PA House Dist 124 Jerry Knowles
PA House Dist 130 David Maloney Sr
Vote By Mail Has Been Made Available for All Pennsylvanians
Pennsylvania has made vote by mail available to all registered voters in the State, taking steps to protect both voters and the Postal Service. While this may be especially helpful to alleviate location safety concerns to residents during the ongoing Covid19 pandemic, the NALC has strongly endorsed voting by mail for many years. This method, which is now being exclusively used in 6 states, has repeatedly shown to demonstrate the highest voter turnout of any voting method. It also makes voting more convenient and possible for many elderly or non-mobile residents who could not otherwise make it to a physical polling place, or wait in line once there. Branch members who are on the overtime list can certainly benefit from the peace of mind of knowing that their vote is cast without having to worry about their schedule interfering with their willingness or ability to rush to the polls. Branch 258 strongly endorses voting by mail. To print a paper vote by mail application, click here. To complete your vote by mail application online, click here. Application deadline is the Tuesday before the election.
Carrier Alert!
Carriers are urged to call and write their congress representatives, and to encourage their family and friends to do the same. Currently, we want to urge Congress to support H Res 15 for the continuation of 6 day delivery, H Res 28, which protects door delivery for all business and residential customers, and H Res 31, which calls on the Postal Service to restore the service standards that were in effect on July 1, 2012. To find your congressmen contact info, click here. |
Carriers Urged to Become E-Activists
For the past several years, letter carriers across the nation have been asked to become more politically active with their voices, pens, and e-mails, and have come through in important ways. In the face of elements in congress who have been hostile to the survival of the postal service and our jobs, carriers have been increasingly instrumental in defeating destructive bills in both the House or Representatives and Senate, and in supporting bills and resolutions which support a strong and vibrant postal service. Carriers have even been known to shut down congressional switchboards with calls to action! The fastest and most effective method for communicating hot issues and mobilizing our response has been the e-activist network. We would like to appeal to all members of Branch 258 to lend your support and join the e-activist network. It is a simple process of providing the NALC national headquarters with your e-mail address, which they use to inform you of items that need our attention. We want to stress that this is NOT a vehicle to advertise or slam you with frequent unwanted e-mails. This processed is focused specifically to the NALC's political needs and is used only for items that are both important and timely. To sign up or download the form for signing up to the e-activist network, click here, and a big thank you goes out to both current and future members.
The Pennsylvania State association had it annual congressional breakfast on May 11 through 13, with three members of Branch 258 in attendance. Fred Ranalli, Rich McDonough, and Ed Gensemer were on hand to meet with our national NALC officers to get an update on our legislative progress and objectives, and to meet with our representatives in congress. We are happy to report that representative Ryan Costello has signed on to all of the House Resolutions that we currently support (HRes 12, 28, and 54) and has pledged his support to letter carriers. Representative Costello also plans to attend our annual food drive on My 14.
Destructive Bill Clears Committee in the Senate
On February 6, the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs passed the Postal Reform Act of 2014. The next step in this process is for action to be taken by the full Senate. The NALC has spoken out in opposition to this destructive legislation, which would use a "shrink to survive" strategy which would halt the recent financial gains by the service and cripple its sustainability. The NALC strongly encourages all carriers to write and call their Senators in opposition to S.1486. An NALC informational list of talking points can be accessed and printed by using the link here.
A Big Thank You to Everyone Who Came to the 6 Day Delivery Rally
Join Us At The Local Rally at the Lower Paxton Post Office On March 24!
There are three ways that you can join us for the day of action rally to save Saturday delivery. We will meet at the Sinking Spring Lowe's parking lot at 9AM. From there we will leave at approximately 9:15. We will make a stop on the way up 183 at the Hitching Post restaurant (for people who find that meeting location more convenient), then continue the carpool/caravan to the Lower Paxton Post Office. If anyone wants to go directly there, the address is 5901 Jonestown Rd, Harrisburg, PA 17112. We are hoping for a great turnout, and look forward to seeing many of our members, families and friends there!
NALC Supports 2 Congressional Bills to Restore Health of Postal Service
The NALC has announced its endorsement on two pieces of legislation which address the main needs that could restore health and stability of the Postal Service. Both of these bills remove the unfair prefunding burden that has dragged down the financial health of the service, as well as protecting six day delivery to encourage expansion of the business instead of the shrinkage that the PMG wishes to use as a road to privatization. These bills are S. 316, introduced by Senator Bernie Sanders (I - VT), and H. R. 630, introduced by Representative Peter Defazio (D - OR). To view the Library of Congress information page, including quick links for co-sponsors to the bills and full text of the bills, click here for S. 316 and here for H. R. 630. And, once again, we urge you to call and write your congressman to ask that they support these important bills, and ask that you encourage your family and friends to do the same.
NALC Endorses H. Res. 30 in its Fight to Retain 6 Day Delivery
The NALC encourages members to contact their Representatives in Congress to support H.Res. 30, a House measure "expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the United States Postal Service should take all appropriate measures to ensure the continuation of its 6-day mail delivery service." Click here to open a Library of Congress information page regarding H. Res. 30. From here you can easily access the full text of the legislation (not long, only one page to read), as well as check the number and list of Representatives who have signed on as co-sponsors. To date Rep. Fitzpatrick is the only PA Representative on the list, so please keep calling and writing to get more House members on board with this important Resolution.
Presidential Election Impacts Postal Service
President Barack Obama will shortly be inaugurated into his second term of office after winning a hard fought and strategic election. President Obama was endorsed by the National Association of Letter Carriers for his commitment to middle class workers and after his opponent, Mitt Romney, expressed intentions to push policies that would have had horrific consequences to the Postal Service and its employees. It is the hope of the NALC that responsible and constructive legislation can be crafted and supported with President Obama in office.