Retirement Seminar Scheduled for June 11
Reading Branch 258 has coordinated with our national union to schedule a retirement seminar for Sunday, June 11, 2017 from 5 - 7 PM. This seminar will take place at the IBEW local 743 building at 20 Morgan Drive, Sinking Spring. This is the same building which has hosted our Christmas Adopt-A-Family celebration for the last two years, and is located behind the Greater Berks Food Bank building (for further directions, please ask). The presenters will be Region 12 national business agent David Napadano and NALC Branch 157 officer Geary Wertz. All employees and significant others are invited to attend. This seminar is expected to provide a wealth of information and tips regarding retirement planning which will be valuable for carriers at every level of seniority, we are excited at the opportunity to provide our members with the opportunity to take advantage of the information which will be offered. Light refreshments will be served. If you are interested in attending, please speak to your shop steward, and we look forward to seeing you there!